[Liverpool] November Meeting Followup

Richard Smedley smedley358 at btinternet.com
Fri Nov 6 10:12:38 UTC 2009

Adrian McEwen wrote:
> Richard Smedley wrote:
>> Andrew Williams wrote:
>>> I'd like to thank Simon for his interesting talk, I'm sure we'll be interested 
>>> to hear how his project pans out in his future talks.
>> Oh no, I missed it :-(
> You missed a great talk, although I have been wondering if we could 
> persuade Simon to give it again at a Hackspace meeting (although that 
> would need us to find a suitable venue) or at GeekUp...

We've certainly got room to build cabinet-sized
computers at the new Manchester hackspace :-)
It's only 5 mins walk from Picadilly station, so
fairly easy from Liverpool ;-)

  - Richard

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