[Liverpool] [ANN] Liverpool LUG Meeting - Wed 2nd September 2009

Richard Smedley smedley358 at btinternet.com
Wed Sep 2 13:01:49 UTC 2009

Simon Johnson wrote:
> I'm afraid I'm going to have to pull out of the talk!
> I didn't get chance to finish the slides due to the craziness of trying 
> to move house.
> Maybe next month

I was going to ask of the talk would be recorded, as
I'm looking forward to this, but can't get into town
tonight - no need now I guess, I'll just have to
make sure I'm there next month :-)

 >> No, I'm talking about building a computer out of transistors.

 >> In the first talk, I talk about how we build the various parts
 >> of the computer. I

Simon - is this a 4-bit project? Something small enough to do
at home? If not, it still sounds a great project for #hackspace :-)

btw did you see the relay computer built by Harry Porter [sic] [1]

  - Richard

[1] http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~harry/Relay/

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