[Liverpool] New Netbook/Laptop suggestions

Andrew Williams andy at tensixtyone.com
Wed Sep 9 08:56:16 UTC 2009

My EeePC 701 is showing its age now, its rather slow and sluggish and no 
matter how much I try to warrant it, the keyboard and screen are too 
small for regular use. I've come to realise this when I got a laptop 
from work and spend more time using that than my EeePC.

I'm in the market for a new (cheap) laptop, something in the 10-12" 
range and for a reasonable price. I've been eyeing up Dell Mini 10s on 
the Dell Outlet store. Does anyone have any experiences of these 
machines? Or do you know another good little laptops/netbooks?

Andrew Williams
w: http://tensixtyone.com/
e: andy (at) tensixtyone.com
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