[Liverpool] Manchester Audio Talk Video

Dan Lynch biglynchy at gmail.com
Thu Sep 10 16:39:54 UTC 2009

That's cool. I was a big fan of the Mini-Disc as a format. Still am really
but it's mostly dead now. It had the best features of a tape and a CD
combined. I still have a wall rack full of discs and a portable player I use
from time to time.



On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 5:17 PM, oscillik <oscillik at gmail.com> wrote:

> Woooo i'm filmed in the presence of a Linux celeb :D
> As a slight aside, just thought i'd let you know - got my Sony MZ-RH1
> Minidisc recorder today. been trying it out and so far the sound quality is
> very good. And since MDs are so easy and cheap to get hold of these days,
> it's a great option for recording. i just need to get myself a small
> portable mic in time for the Warp20 Sheffield gig so i can do some
> bootlegging ;)
> 2009/9/10 Dan Lynch <biglynchy at gmail.com>
>> You're in the video too mate! A couple of times when you asked questions
>> and there was the discussion at the end. Thanks for coming across to
>> Manchester for the talk, was good to see you :)
>> May your download have speed, if that makes any sense.
>> Dan
>> On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 5:08 PM, oscillik <oscillik at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> finally!
>>> Thanks for letting us know, grabbing it as i type. yay for Virgin Media's
>>> abhorrent connection (680.2MB file will take 47mins) :(
>>> 2009/9/10 Dan Lynch <biglynchy at gmail.com>
>>>> Alright folks,
>>>> Forgive the shameless self promotion but some people in the group have
>>>> asked about this a few times. The video of my talk to Manchester Free
>>>> Software "Audio Production with Free Software" is finally available if
>>>> you're interested. It's quite long at 82mins but a lot of that is an
>>>> extended discussion at the end, the actual meat of the talk is probably
>>>> 40-45mins. It's in Ogg Theora of course and it's on Archive.org under a CC
>>>> BY-SA license, so do with it as you will. Special thanks to Tim Dobson for
>>>> recording and editing the video.
>>>> http://danlynch.org/blog/2009/09/video-manchester/
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Dan
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