[Liverpool] Fw: Restarting Python North West - 24th Sept 2009, 6pm

Dan Lynch biglynchy at gmail.com
Tue Sep 15 11:38:03 UTC 2009

Oh I know Michael Sparks from the BBC, nice guy. Didn't know it was him
organizing this but sadly I'll be away on that date. Hopefully I'll get to a
future one :)


On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 8:45 AM, Andrew Williams <andy at tensixtyone.com>wrote:

> Good to see a Python group restarting, I'm quite interested in heading
> over, anyone else?
> ----- Forwarded message from Michael Sparks <sparks.m at GMAIL.COM> -----
> From: Michael Sparks <sparks.m at GMAIL.COM>
> Date:         Mon, 14 Sep 2009 23:29:39 +0100
> Subject: Restarting Python North West - 24th Sept 2009, 6pm
> Hi,
> A few people may have already noticed some small comments about this, but
> we're plotting to restart python northwest. Specifically, we're restarting
> this month. Details:
>   * When: Thursday 24th September, 6pm
>   * Where: Rain Bar, Manchester:
>      - http://www.rain-bar.co.uk/
>      - 80 Great Bridgewater Street, Manchester, M1 5JG
>      - map: http://tinyurl.com/mn4qnl
>   * Who: Who can come? If you're reading this YOU can :-)
>     More specifically anyone from beginners, the inexperienced through
> deeply
>     experienced and all the way back to the plain py-curious.
>   * What: Suggestion is to start off with a social meet, and chat about
>     stuff we've found interesting/useful/fun with python recently. Topics
>     likely to include robots and audio generation, the recent unconference,
>     and europython.
>   * Twitter: http://twitter.com/pynw / #pythonnorthwest / #pynw
> How did this happen? I tweeted the idea, a couple of others seconded it,
> the David Jones pointed out "it easier to arrange for a specific 2 people
> to meet than it was to e-mail a vague cloud of people and get _any_ 2 to
> meet anywhere.", so that's where we'll be.
> If twitter feedback is anything go by, we're hardly going to be alone, so
> please come along - the more the merrier :-) Better yet, please reply to
> this mail saying you're coming along!
> More generally, assuming this continues, pynw will probably be every third
> thursday in the month, maybe alternating between technical meets and social
> ones. (topic for discussion perhaps?)
> Please forward this to anyone you think may be interested!
> See you there!
> Michael
> --
> http://yeoldeclue.com/blog
> http://twitter.com/kamaelian
> http://www.kamaelia.org/Home
> The LINUX-USERS list is archived at:
> http://listserv.manchester.ac.uk/cgi-bin/wa?A0=LINUX-USERS
> ----- End forwarded message -----
> --
> Andrew Williams
> w: http://tensixtyone.com/
> e: andy (at) tensixtyone.com
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