[Liverpool] [ANN] Ignite Liverpool 2

oscillik oscillik at gmail.com
Fri Apr 9 16:01:48 UTC 2010

The best part about this is that I can read this while imagining Si actually
saying this, with conviction :D

Si, i dub thee Existential Disruptor

On 9 April 2010 14:29, Simon Johnson <simon.johnson at gmail.com> wrote:

>> If I wasn't so dreadfully busy, I'd love to go.
>> Sadly, I'm quite busy[1] and I can't really afford to come over for
>> this.. :(
>> I hope you all have a great event!
>> Tim
> Interesting. The Pirate Party, however, seems to contradict your view point
> with respect to free software.
> If you're pro-free software than you must surely be pro-copyright
> enforcement? After all, the GPL depends on the copyright system in order to
> be enforceable.
> In a world where everything is public domain, there is nothing to stop
> Microsoft, Oracle, IBM etc from incorporating GPL code in their products and
> selling them without supplying access to the source-code.
> For example, if the Pirate Party were to reduce copyright length on
> software to five years then I would be well within my rights to re-release
> my own modifications to the first versions of Ubuntu and sell them just as
> Apple does today with OSX (which was based on BSD).
> Surely you do not support this position?
> Moreover, how does the Pirate Party plan to cut the 130 billion deficit?
> How are you going to pay for our pensions?
> How are you going to bring our troops home from Afghanistan?
> How are you going to cut crime?
> How are you going to drive up standards in schools?
> How are you going to get the couple of million unemployed back to work?
> How are you going to provide affordable housing?
> I think the current copyright arrangement is lopsided, that much is true,
> but even your flagship policy is internally inconsistent. Your policies on
> other key issues are none existent.
> This election is too important to waste your vote on a party that can't
> even come up with a sensible policy on the very issue it owes its existence
> to.
> Cheers,
> Simon.
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