[Liverpool] open data project

Heather Corcoran heather.corcoran at fact.co.uk
Mon Aug 9 12:29:50 UTC 2010


Long time no post!

If any of you folk have a project for this:


a £30k funding opportunity - " Make it Local is encouraging local 
authorities to release publicly-owned data in a linked way which allows 
developers an opportunity to build new services using the information.", 
then get in touch...

Its a bit of a long shot because its a quick turnaround (deadline is 20 
August, we only unfortunately just heard about it) but if there is some 
ready-to-go project out there that is already building momentum that 
overlaps with this fund, FACT might be able to help contextualize it in 
an application and put you in touch with a local authority contact.

We'd be looking probably only for projects that are either in 
partnership with established local companies or are pretty well underway 
already with some momentum and an infrastructure to support them - just 
in consideration of the fact that they will be looking to make sure the 
projects are feasible and reputable, and while we'd normally be up for 
incubating any ol' crazy idea to a stage where its got this credibility, 
we don't have much time this time around.

Anyway thought there might be someone on this list interested, even if 
you just want to go ahead with your own application!


Heather Corcoran
FACT (Foundation for Art and Creative Technology)
88 Wood Street
Liverpool, UK
L1 4DQ

w: http://www.fact.co.uk
e: heather.corcoran at fact.co.uk
t: +44 (0)151 707 4425
m: +44 (0)798 336 4707
f: +44 (0)151 707 4445

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