[Liverpool] twitter

Ben Arnold benarnold at fsfe.org
Sat Dec 11 16:10:18 UTC 2010

Hi  --

My username on identi.ca & Twitter is @seawolf (the release name for
RedHat v7.1, my first distro, which came on CDs in the back of a book).
I make no apologies for the quality of the information contained therein.

We have a !LivLUG group on identi.ca if anyone is interested and unaware.


On Sat, 11 Dec 2010 15:29:39 +0000, you (Vladimir) wrote:
|  Just wondering - how many of us have twitter accounts? I know
| Andrew's account but I think there should be more.
|  Could you guys post your twitter ID's here - want to follow you's on
| twitter :)

Ben Arnold
Chester, UK

e: ben at seawolfsanctuary.com @ benarnold at fsfe.org
w: seawolfsanctuary.com | linkedin.com/in/benarnold

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