[Liverpool] Software freedom (problems at the University)

Dave Love d.love at liverpool.ac.uk
Sun Jan 3 22:49:33 UTC 2010

Andrew Williams <andy at tensixtyone.com> writes:

> On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 05:44:17PM +0000, Dave Love wrote:
>> (I can't tell what that cause actually is.)
> That the university is enforcing the use of a closed-source anti-virus even 
> for Linux/Unix based systems and forcing end users to pay out for it if they 
> want to actually use the university network?
> Seems quite simple for me.
> Does SuperRoamNet actually detect ClamAV? Or other open source and well 
> respected anti-virus solutions for Linux?
>> If you do not wish to use Sophos there are other anti-virus applications
>> that you may purchase at your own cost which will then allow you to pass 
>> our security checks, these are; Norton, McAffee and Intigo Virus Barrier.
> No. How long until the university shutdown RoamNet? Ticking timeclock of yet 
> more lock-in, not just for the systems used by the university but even their 
> students.
>> All staff and students are urged to use SuperRoamNet which is the new 
>> recommended wireless service for staff and students. It provides many 
>> benefits over RoamNet.
>> From Monday February 2nd 2009, RoamNet will provide access for basic web 
>> browsing only. To maintain access to other services including University 
>> resources you must switch to SuperRoamNet.
> http://wireless.liv.ac.uk/roamnet.php
> Feel free to tell me if im wrong. 

I can't speak for what someone else considers their issue, and there's
no point arguing with someone outside the university who apparently
knows more about he network than I do.  However, anyone with eduroam
credentials could check around campus what I said about connecting to
the wireless, and I don't know why you think I'd lie about it.

I'd urge people to take this as an example of how _not_ to behave with
an institution and the people in it who might actually be your friends
if you want to get something changed.  Consider if it's more likely
Vladimir will now have people keen to help him (e.g. to open the
firewall), or that words will be had with his department, for instance.
(I can only say what the reaction will be if he wants help from the
research support group, including the only one in CSD you might see
wearing an FSF t-shirt.)

If anyone else needs university-specific GNU/Linux information they
can't easily get via official channels, the internal linux-users list
might be the place to ask.  For more general free software issues, they
could contact me informally (or officially, if it concerns research

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