[Liverpool] GPG Keyring Management

Neil Bothwick neil at stfw.net
Wed May 5 09:26:13 UTC 2010

On Wed, 5 May 2010 10:18:51 +0100, Andrew Williams wrote:

> > Lucky you, I can't get caff to do anything. It signs the keys then
> > refuses to do anything with them because they weren't signed by me :(
> >   
> In the caff options you can set a "also encrypt to" option so you can
> read the mails yourself. Caff can be a arse to setup but once its done
> its good for life.

It's not even reaching the stage where it wants to send a mail :(

> I'll dump my config somewhere to show you tonight.


Neil Bothwick

The trouble with doing something right the first time is that nobody
appreciates how difficult it was.
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