[Liverpool] Liverpool LUG Meeting - 5th May 2010

Adrian McEwen adrian at mcqn.net
Wed May 5 16:52:46 UTC 2010

Afraid I'm not going to make it either, but not because of 
Oggcamp-induced tiredness (although it's definitely present...).  I'm 
going to be out evangelising hardware hackery and similar fun to the 
heathens of Staffordshire ;-)  Just about to jump in the car and head 
down to the inaugural hackspace meeting in Alsager.

I'll be back for LivLUG next month I'm sure.  (and if anyone wants some 
more local, not clashing with LivLUG hacking, there's a Liverpool 
hackspace meeting on Monday at 7pm at the Peacock).


Ben Arnold wrote:
> All --
> I too must apologise for my absence this evening, citing general 
> tiredness, OggCamp-related knackery and deleting a few of months work. 
> That and it's cold, wet and I dislike MerseyFail at the best of times.
> Hope the talk is good, disappointed to be missing it. Quite like to 
> see the logic and other such geekery that goes on in that kinda stuff.
> Now, to the somehow-never-quite-as-good-as-one-wants-them-to-be back-
> ups!
> Cheers,
> Ben
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