[Liverpool] Meeting Tomorrow

Stephen Watkin ste at enzy.me.uk
Thu Nov 4 16:57:23 UTC 2010

On 04/11/10 13:16, Dan Lynch wrote:
> Hi folks,
> This isn't really related to the discussion but here's the video I was 
> talking about last night. Darth Vader with alternative voices - 
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6A0rwG39Jzk
> I'll let you get back to the technical talk now :)
> Dan

I just looked up MC Hawking and noticed what may well be the finest 
comment in the history of Youtube:

"once i was at this mall, just hanging out, and then suddenly Stephen 
Hawkings and his posse and all his hoes rolled through, and he started 
this fight, layed some fools out flat, then did a short demonstration 
on the entropic distribution of thermodynamics in disparate systems, 
then smoked a blunt and rolled out; Stephne Hawkings is one bad 


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