[Liverpool] Howduino Liverpool 2

Adrian McEwen adrian at mcqn.net
Fri Nov 5 15:01:04 UTC 2010

After a year and a half touring the country, Thom Shannon and I are 
bringing Howduino back to Liverpool - on the weekend of the 20th/21st 
November we'll be taking over the old Rapid paint store in the centre of 
Liverpool (thanks to Sound Network's part in the Cooperative strand of 
the Biennial).

It's a free, two day workshop/hackday about connecting the internet to 
the real world, breathing life into inanimate objects and creating new 
ways to interact with things. It's for artists, programmers, designers, 
hobbyists and anyone else interested in robotics, technology, 
communication and interaction.

You don't need to know anything about electronics, hardware or Arduinos 
to come along, we'll be running an intro session at the start to get you 
up and running.  Likewise, if you just want to bring your latest project 
along to work on in the company of some like-minded individuals, that's 

Tickets will be released in the next day or two, but visit 
<http://www.howduino.com> to find out more and register on the mailing 
list to find out when they're available.

If you want to get an idea of the sort of fun that happens at a 
Howduino, have a look at my write-up of the one we ran in Newcastle in 
the summer - <http://www.mcqn.com/weblog/howduino_ncl>

(Apologies if you get this more than once, it just proves you're on more 
than one of the cool mailing lists in the NW ;-)




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