[Liverpool] Liverpool LUG meeting with Paul Freeman on BarCamps and the upcoming BarCamp Liverpool - Wednesday 5th October 2011

Bob Ham rah at bash.sh
Tue Oct 4 11:22:53 UTC 2011

This LivLUG meeting is tomorrow.  It's been noted that parking
information would be useful for car drivers.  Bold Street has parking
available and a number of LUG members regularly park on Bold Street
for meetings so there shouldn't be any problems.

See you there :-)

On Thu, 2011-09-29 at 10:58 +0100, Bob Ham wrote:
> On Wednesday, 5th August 2011, the Liverpool Linux User Group
Actually the 5th October :-)
> will be meeting.  Paul Freeman will be talking about BarCamps¹ in
> general, the recent BarCamp MediaCity in Manchester and the upcoming
> BarCamp Liverpool², to be held at DoES Liverpool.
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