[Liverpool] Software Testing Club Meetup - Liverpool

Adrian McEwen adrian at mcqn.net
Tue Oct 4 12:39:13 UTC 2011

There's a new tech group starting up in Liverpool, for those interested 
in software testing.  First meeting is later this month, more details 

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	STC Meetup - Liverpool
From: 	Duncan Nisbet <duncan.nisbet at gmail.com>
To: 	adrian at mcqn.net

Hi Adrian,

Thanks for this, greatly appreciated. Please feel free to abridge as 
necessary - could you send me the links of where the info has been 
posted please?

Software Testing Club <http://www.softwaretestingclub.com/> (STC) is an 
online community focussed on testing - Not just Testers, but anyone who 
enjoys testing & feels it adds real value to software.

Members of this community also arrange meetups where they get together 
(& prominent figures in the testing community if they're available!) to 
discuss all things software testing and the development processes 
incorporating them.

These meetups consist of lightening talks, discussion topics & 
interactive sessions, as well as the chance to meet fellow geeks & the 
testing challenges they face in their roles.

To compliment the array of geek nights in Liverpool, We're arranging a 
Liverpool STC meetup 
<http://www.meetup.com/SoftwareTestingClub/events/24213571/> at the Ship 
& Mitre pub on October 26th 2011.

We're currently looking for sponsorship to put a few pints behind the 
bar, pay for guest speakers & potentially some prizes.

If the night is successful, we're hoping to have it as a monthly event, 
& this conveniently coincides with the EuroSTAR testing conference 
<http://www.eurostarconferences.com/> in Manchester between 21-24 November

So, If you think testing of software is the root of successful software, 
or if you feel you need more convincing, please feel to come along. 
Please beware that some participation will be necessary - you're gonna 
have to earn your free pint!

Thanks for your time,


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