[Liverpool] password generator

Bob Ham rah at bash.sh
Mon Oct 24 15:41:12 UTC 2011

Liam Craddock wrote:

> What was the name of that password generation tool you showed me in
> leaf?

Hi Liam,

It was called apg (Automated Password Generator).  Here's its web page:


and here's an example of it in action:

rah at myrtle:~$ apg

Please enter some random data (only first 16 are significant)
(eg. your old password):>
Lofidmef2 (Lof-id-mef-TWO)
8kekCisJepUd (EIGHT-kek-Cis-Jep-Ud)
Usyotpep1 (Us-yot-pep-ONE)
vunk7Tab (vunk-SEVEN-Tab)
8quegOac (EIGHT-queg-Oac)
dev9OdUnd (dev-NINE-Od-Und)
rah at myrtle:~$


[ CC'd to the list for others. ]

Bob Ham <rah at bash.sh>

for (;;) { ++pancakes; }

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