[Liverpool] The Science Delusion

Bob Ham rah at bash.sh
Fri Jan 6 12:39:00 UTC 2012

Hi all,

It seems quite timely, given the pub conversation on Wednesday, that I 
just read this review of Rupert Sheldrake's latest book, provocatively 
titled "The Science Delusion":


I thought I would share it with the list as there were some who were 
interested in engaging with the topic.

And further to that, I mentioned a book about a guy who diced up 
salamander brains and reattached them.  He came to interesting 
conclusions about the nature of the brain.  The book is "Shufflebrain" 
and it's by Paul Pietsch <http://www.iu.edu/%7Epietsch/cv.html>.  Here 
is an article which which seems to be a condensed version:


And here happens to be the whole book online (there's also a PDF):


The book I mentioned that contains an excellent overview of 
parapsychology is "The Conscious Universe" by Dean Radin:


Some food for thought :-)


PS, I wanted to use my conscious mind to influence the physical world in 
order to send this email.  So I did.  I made my fingers type it out ;-)

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