[Liverpool] Mpd & Icecast on Raspberry Pi

Hartley, Daniel D.R.T.Hartley at liverpool.ac.uk
Mon Jul 23 16:20:07 UTC 2012

Hi everybody,

I emailed the list a couple of months ago in anticipation of setting up a media server on a Raspberry Pi. There was some discussion of ways of doing this. I have recently succeeded using Subsonic to set up a media server able to stream music anywhere over the internet- but through my ThinkPad laptop- and have not had the same success with the Raspberry Pi. 

This leads me onto the issue of MPD and Icecast- which somebody suggested may be another, and more lightweight, way of doing this. I have had MPD successfully streaming through the LAN at my flat, but have not had the same success sorting out external streaming. 

I have more time to engage with this now, and was wondering if anybody would want to tag team solving this- which I think lots of other users in the Raspberry Pi community would be keenly interested in. I am a relative novice to Linux but enjoy tinkering. I have set up SSH and VNC to my Raspberry Pi which others should be able to access externally over the internet. Thus this gives the possibility of a project that extends beyond me (and hopefully to people who know what they're doing more than me). Anyone out there interested in having a go through VNC? I saw there is a Raspberry Pi event coming up as well...


Daniel Hartley
From: liverpool-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk [liverpool-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk] on behalf of Dan Lynch [dan at danlynch.org]
Sent: 23 July 2012 15:46
To: Liverpool Linux User Group
Subject: [Liverpool] Fwd: SMC Liverpool Update

Hi folks,

We're doing an Open Data event next week at Social Media Cafe Liverpool. I thought some of you may be interested. We have some excellent speakers with good knowledge in this field. It's free to attend but you need to sign up via Eventbrite.

It's always a fun night so come along if you can. More details below:


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SMC LIv update


the open data one

#opendata[Open Data - Liverpool]

Liverpool Social Media Cafe has announced it's next event featuring open data projects

Open data is non-personally identifiable data produced in the course of an organisation’s ordinary business, which has been released under an unrestricted licence (like the Open Government Licence<http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/>).

Open Data can be used to identify business oportunities, create services for local government and help the public access other services.

You are invited to attend and discuss open data uses and listen to our 3 informative talks from;

Our Speakers
Julian Tait Open Data Manchester
<http://opendatamanchester.org.uk/>Jordy Van Kuijk Connected Liveprool
<http://www.connectedliverpool.co.uk/>Zarino Zappia, VP of Product, ScraperWiki<https://scraperwiki.com/>

Date: 2nd August
Time: 6pm
Venue: Static Gallery, Roscoe Lane, Liverpool.

Book Now<http://socialmediacafeliverpool.wordpress.com/book-now/>

Social Media Cafe Liveprool are fun and informing events for web and social media professionals.

Follow us on Twitter @smcliv<http://twitter.com/smcliv>

How? Why? DIY!
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