[Liverpool] Fwd: [DoES Liverpool] Internet of Things Howduino

Liam Craddock craddster at gmail.com
Wed Oct 24 20:13:49 UTC 2012

Speaking of the internet of things, I was just watching a great example 
of a guy in America using arduinos to control urban hydroponics for food 
production, it also tweets its status.
Video: http://youtu.be/3IryIOyPfTE
website: http://www.kijanigrows.com/

- Liam

On 24/10/2012 19:27, Adrian McEwen wrote:
> I'm assuming that since Hakim's excellent talk about the Internet of 
> Things at LivLUG a few months back, you've all been coming up with 
> interesting ideas for IoT projects.  Now you've got the perfect 
> opportunity to come and spend a weekend working on them, at the IoT 
> Howduino next weekend... :-)
> Cheers,
> Adrian.

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