[Liverpool] November meeting

Dan Lynch dan at danlynch.org
Sun Nov 3 12:37:36 UTC 2013

On 03/11/13 08:38, Sebastian Arcus wrote:
> On 01/11/13 22:40, daniel botting - manlug account wrote:
>> Hi Neil,
>> It is Daniel Manlug organiser here, we have talks planned for November
>> and December, but what about for next year a tri-lug meetup some where
>> say with Rosslug. As far as I am aware most groups work individually,
>> let me know your thoughts.
> I think that would be quite interesting - as long as we can arrange for
> enough of us to attend

A big meet up sounds like a cool idea. The challenges would be finding a
mutually suitable location and day/time. Worth a go though. I like it :)

Also happy to hear about your Pi project at this meeting Neil. I've been
working on an Icecast streaming project for the Pi myself which I could
talk about. It's not as big or clever as it sounds. It bascially
involves building some of the stuff from source on the Pi and having the
right USB sound card. I haven't gotten it working yet though, so that
could be a problem. Maybe I can do it by Wednesday.


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