[Liverpool] LivLUG Christmas Meal Tonight

animation animation animation1138 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 3 14:54:19 UTC 2014

Merry three weeks to Christmas,
Thanks Dan.
See you all later.

p.s. Is anyone going to the RMS talk??
On 3 Dec 2014 12:44, "Dan Lynch" <dan at danlynch.org> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> Or should I say ho ho ho! This is just a quick reminder that our annual
> LivLUG Xmas meal is tonight in place of the regular LUG meeting. I've
> booked a table for 8 based on those who said they wanted to come but we
> may be able to squeeze in 1 or 2 more if need be. Here's the details:
> Booking time: 7:15pm
> Location: Red Hot Buffet, Liverpool ONE
> The address and phone number are on the website if you need them -
> http://redhotworldbuffet.com/restaurants/liverpool/
> It is booked in my name so if they ask say the table is for "dan lynch"
> when you arrive. They usually show you upstairs to the bar to wait. I'll
> be there about 7pm hopefully but there's no massive rush.
> See some of you there later,
> Dan
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