[Liverpool] Retro mouse. Ideal for snipers wishing to scan horizon plane.

Dan Lynch dan at danlynch.org
Sat Sep 5 13:16:38 UTC 2015

On 03/09/15 22:18, animation animation wrote:
> https://youtu.be/yJDv-zdhzMY?t=1914
> Hope that link works.

Wow, great video. The link worked for me. It's amazing how similar to
the modern mouse we know and love that is. Not convinced the 2 scroll
wheels on the bottom can really be that accurate but you can see how it

Thanks to everyone who came along on Wednesday. Amazing turn out. If you
were there for the first time I hope you will come back and see us
again. I think we'll sort he seats into rows next time and move the
tables to it's more comfortable.

We've had talks on keyboards and mice now, anyone fancy doing one on
game controllers or something?

You could also talk about something completely unrelated. We don't just
do input devices hehe :)


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