[Liverpool] Liverpool LUG Meeting - 7th June 2017 @ 7pm

Dan Lynch dan at danlynch.org
Mon Jun 5 12:45:52 UTC 2017

Hello all,

Our next meeting is this Wednesday night (June 7th) in DoES Liverpool as usual.

I've posted the meeting announcement to the blog which will feed Twitter/FB etc, if you haven't been before then you can find directions and all kinds of other vital information there - http://www.livlug.org.uk/2017/06/livlug-meeting-7th-june-2017/

This month Neil is going to tell us a bit about NextCloud (see https://nextcloud.com/about/ ) and we'll probably retire downstairs to the HUB to chat more afterwards. All are welcome and I hope see many of you there, feel free to invite friends, enemies or whoever you want as well.

See ya,

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