[Liverpool] News feed reader with automatic alert based on search words

Sebastian Arcus s.arcus at open-t.co.uk
Sun Nov 18 08:40:17 UTC 2018

On 14/11/18 08:17, Sebastian Arcus via Liverpool wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm looking for a news feed reader which can search incoming feeds for 
> particular words or phrases and alert. This seems to me fairly basic, 
> but looking at the feature list of feed reader software so far, I can't 
> seem to find any which will do it. Or maybe I haven't dug deep enough 
> into the docs. Is anybody here into feed readers, and could drop a 
> useful suggestion please?

In case anybody finds it useful, I've managed to cobble something 
together using the following:

1. The RSS/news reader in Thunderbird.

2. A bodged RSS url for Google News - which returns only the news items 
containing the words/phrases I am interested in. Google News supposedly 
doesn't support RSS feeds any more - and they removed the corresponding 
RSS button on their pages, but if you craft the url yourself in a 
specific way, it still works :-)

3. The Mailbox Alert addon for Thunderbird, which can generate alerts 
for new messages arriving only in a specific folder(s).

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