[Liverpool] The 2018 Yule LUG Party - Weds Dec 5th

Dan Lynch dan at danlynch.org
Fri Nov 30 13:11:58 UTC 2018

Greetings one and all, it's that time of year again. I know. I know, 
it's come around quickly but Christmas is almost here.

We usually go out somewhere for a meal instead of our December meeting 
but this year I've decided to switch up the format a little. Smash the 
system!!! ;)

Next Wednesday December 5th we will meet at our usual home of DOES 
Liverpool for a Christmas party in the meeting room.

There is a small kitchen and fridges for beer/soft drinks or whatever 
else you want to bring. So bring some food and drink, bring your party 
hats and most importantly bring yourselves!

We'll be there from 7pm as usual and all are welcome so I hope to see 
many of you there :)

See ya,


Location, travel and other info can be found on the blog - 

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