[Lust] St Albans Meeting

Mike Culverhouse lust at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed Jan 22 17:17:01 2003

Sorry guys I'd forgot you were maybe meeting up tonight.
I'm up for a meeting any other time though
At a squeeze I could turn out tonight but probably best if we re-arrange
for another time. Last time we had a meeting there were only two of us,
but it was still a good night.
I believe that a few people use Thameslink to get to/from work so maybe
somewhere convenient to a Thameslink station might be useful.
Other than that somebody did mention Sundays earlier which are usually
quiet for me.

btw your earlier email did get blocked by a SPAM filter but I've managed
to log on and release them manually. No idea why it blocked it, possibly
from a hotmail account ?



On Wed, 2003-01-22 at 14:11, Leslie wrote:
> Hi all,
>     doesn't look like there are that many people who can make tonight So how about we reschedule for a night that more people can make.
> Any suggestions for which night of the week would suit people best and what sort of start time
> Leslie