[Lust] Link up!

Tim Jones tim at freakinabox.com
Tue Aug 23 16:50:35 BST 2005

Hi all,
  I'm a student at the uni and I hail from Leics where I was also a LUG 
member. I don't know if it's possible or fitting but back in Leics we 
had monthly meetings where we wold actually discuss Linux and have a 
talk about new apps and features and such from someone in the know.
  Anyways, I assume our group is still too small to hold talks and such, 
but I'm pretty sure we could do some sort of Q&A meet for newcomers and 
gurus alike to share ideas.
  Also, I could look into getting a room at the uni one evening once a 
month or something where we could hold the meeting, but I doubt they'd 
be beer on tap ;-) Heck, I know all the IT admin staff (working for them 
over the summer and next year) so we may even be allowed to use the 
Linux lab upstairs...
  I do run my own web server but at the moment it's a machine sitting in 
my bedroom and as soon as I start getting paid in October I'll be moving 
it to a good external hoster that I turst and like. Until then I have no 
problem hosting a wiki on my machine.

Tim Jones

Norm Fasey wrote:
> Does LUST have a website?
> What we need is a wiki to post this stuff on as well as other interesting
> articles/news from members. :) Does anyone have a server running Apache that we
> can install MediaWiki on? I am running a wiki on my own registered domain but
> that is mainly used by family members to post blogs and photos.
> I would be up for a regular meeting. Don't know of any other pubs in the town
> centre that fit the bill. I have only used Brannigans and the Whitehouse. There
> are a couple of pubs near me that aren't bad. The Wigmore Arms and the Hansom
> Cab spring to mind.
> I am off up the town centre at the weekend and will also scout for suitable
> venues.
> Norm
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>>----- Message from steev at tuls.pauken.co.uk ---------
>>    Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2005 11:58:43 +0100
>>    From: Steven Goodwin <steev at tuls.pauken.co.uk>
>>Reply-To: lust at mailman.lug.org.uk
>> Subject: Re: [Lust] Link up!
>>      To: lust at mailman.lug.org.uk
>>On Sun, Aug 21, 2005 at 09:27:30PM +0100, Karl wrote:
>>>Okay, The Fox is no good for Norm anyway as it has steps.
>>>The town centre it is then? but not brannigans, please!
>>I'll volunteer to do a quick detour around town on Wednesday evening
>>(about 8.30-9.00 ism) and note all the open, accessible, not so noisy,
>>half-decent looking pubs in Luton. I can then post my comment, other
>>Luton-ites can feedback on their experiences/ideas and we'll pick a
>>place from there.
>>Sound reasonable?
>>(if anyone else wants to do same, go ahead...)
>>(FWIW, previously the only other LUST meeting took place in the Wetherspoons
>>pub, but there was only two of us so it was easier to hear ourselves :)
>>Lust mailing list
>>Lust at mailman.lug.org.uk
>>----- End message from steev at tuls.pauken.co.uk -----
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