[Malvern] Ideas if I don't make the Nag's Head

Guy Inchbald malvern at mailman.lug.org.uk
Mon Sep 2 22:47:00 2002

Hi all,

Don't know if I can make tomorrow's meeting, so here are a few ideas/thoughts
I was intending to bring up. First the bad news, then the good.

1. If you advertise a meeting, someone please turn up and unlock the bl**dy
door! I was pretty cheesed off when I found it locked a second time, and the
guy who had cycled all the way in the rain was not a happy bunny either. If
you treat people like that, how do you expect membership to grow?

2. Information on the website should be up to date or not there at all. Stuff
has been left so long we can't tell which year it refers to. 

Please, either commit or walk away. Don't muddle.

3. Linux roadshow / moving meetings.
To promote Linux locally and drum up some membership. I would envisage a few
of us turning up with PCs at various local venues, cheaply obtained -
schools, businesses, village halls, whatever. We would demo, explain,
troubleshoot, promote our expertise, maybe install. This could even double-up
as the regular meeting, just having it in a different place each month.

4. AIUI The Worcester lug struggles to keep up numbers and activities. How
about a merger or maybe joint meetings/fests?

5. Sell pre-installed PC's.
Maybe not a lug activity, rather for appropriate lug members, but still...
Build and brand Linux boxes, possibly laptops, and sell to individuals and/or
resellers. Offer support services to the resellers. The market I have in mind
is the bored playboy, of which there are still a reasonable number around
here, and they have influential friends. Maybe a few businesses and
enthusiasts would bite, too. The publicity should be good for all.

6. Once I get confident that we have something reliable, I am prepared to
spend a little time promoting lug events - contacting the press, etc. That is
about all I can offer, I am afraid.

If I can't turn up, have one for me.

Guy Inchbald