[Malvern] Newbee Book
Andy Lowton
malvern at mailman.lug.org.uk
Thu Feb 27 10:31:03 2003
>>>>> On Wed, 26 Feb 2003, "Roy" == Roy wrote:
Roy> Hi all, maybe you know of a book that would suit a newbee to use for
Roy> *starting to learn* linux.
Roy> O'reilly has one called, 'Linux in a nutshell' but it is 25ukp! And i am
Roy> not sure it is what I want.
What about Linux for Dummies.
It says:
"Set up your own powerful LINUX system quickly, easily, and without spending tons of hard-earned cash! Even if you have no experience with LINUX or UNIX operating systems, you can rely on the forth edition of LINUX For Dummies to help you install, organize, and troubleshoot your LINUX system.
With the fun and friendly advice that's a hallmark of ...For Dummies books, you'll be tackling complex jobs like a pro in no time flat. Plus, the book comes with 2 CD-ROMs featuring setup software from Red Hat plus everything you need to access the Internet, write programs in several languages, create and manipulate images, play games, and more."
I havn't read it myself so I can't vouch for the truth of those statements but
it gets 4/5 stars on amazon and is 15 quid.
Hope this helps
E-Mail: andy@dragonfly.demon.co.uk
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