[Malvern] The new Debian installer.

Geoff Bagley geoff.bagley at btinternet.com
Wed Aug 11 10:14:34 BST 2004

A new installer for  Debian GNU/Linux is about to appear.
I guess this will coincide with Woody being superceded by Sarge as the 
stable version.

I read that the new installer includes  hardware detection,  and in 
particular Ethernet

The latest news is that my nice new ADSL router was NOT destroyed by 
last week's
thunderstorm,  merely shell-shocked.   After re-configuration  it worked 

Next wednesday night is  Club-night at my house.  I look forward to 
seeing those who
are  able to come.   Times are  19:30  to  20:00.   Please come.
Light refreshments will be available.


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