[Malvern] Skype.

Chris Eilbeck chris at yordas.demon.co.uk
Mon Aug 30 21:34:24 BST 2004

> Thanks for two replies.
> There is an article in the latest Linux Format magazine, and there is a
> Beta version of Skype on their DVD (ver.
> I guess I'll wait until  I can APT-GET it on my Debian.

Skype is proprietary.  I doubt you'll ever see a Debian package for it
other than distributed direct from Skype themselves.

Chris Eilbeck                         mailto:chris at yordas.demon.co.uk
MARS Flight Crew                              http://www.mars.org.uk/
UKRA #1108 Level 2                                                UYB
TRA #9527                                                        PSMR

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