[Malvern] computer shows
Andrew McKenzie
a_j_mckenzie at hotmail.com
Tue May 18 09:42:26 BST 2004
With the computer fairs i would suggest you try the ones based in Birmingham
or the one at Wolverhampton racecourse, as they are much bigger than the
local Worcester ones, and you will be certain to find a bargin, as they
mainly deal with new hardware whereas Worcester lately seems to have mainly
2nd user kit. It's how i built my current PC, saved about 40% on buying bits
from the computer fair in Wolverhampton Racecourse.
>From: Phil Ironside <phil at creativespaces.co.uk>
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>Subject: [Malvern] computer shows
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>Last week we talked about computer fairs - here is the link to the web site
>if anyone needs it
>Creative Spaces
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