[Malvern] Breezing with Breezy...

Stuart "Sslaxx" Moore stuart at sslaxx.demon.co.uk
Mon Jul 25 23:06:48 BST 2005

Stuart "Sslaxx" Moore wrote:
> ...well, not quite!
> I'm playing with fire with Breezy, as they're changing from non-modular 
> X.org 6.x to modular X.org 7.x. Keyboard is *mostly* working 
> (CTRL-ALT-Fx doesn't, CTRL-ALT-anything doesn't either for that matter, 
> and curiously I can't get the pound symbol despite having it set for a 
> UK keymap). Lost some applications (and some I'm lurgy to re-install 
> anything just yet as they'd involve installing the currently-broke X.org 
> updates).
> That said - I've only lost a few apps (Konqueror is the only one that 
> comes to mind, Totem/Xine isn't an app per se (as Totem still works, 
> albeit with the GStreamer backend)). The rest seem mostly unaffected - 
> although XMMS failed to start with the FLAC plugin installed (though 
> I've switched over to Beep and/or Rhythmbox now anyway).
> It's fun! Once X.org is a little more stable, I'm gonna see about some 
> more serious bughunting...

How about an update?

Keyboard is still pretty much the same as it was last week. Got 
Konqueror and Totem/Xine back, though. Firefox seems a little sluggish 
with the latest X updates.

Stuart "Sslaxx" Moore

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