FW: [Malvern] LINUX and .AOL

Ian Pascoe ianpascoe at btinternet.com
Tue Nov 15 21:15:48 GMT 2005


Andy Morris was up on AOL vs Linux.  Haven't seen him for a while but know
that he has had ISP problems and moved  house again recently.

-----Original Message-----
From: malvern-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk
[mailto:malvern-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk]On Behalf Of Geoff Bagley
Sent: 14 November 2005 16:27
To: Phil Ironside
Cc: malvern at mailman.lug.org.uk
Subject: [Malvern] LINUX and .AOL

I have a guy coming round next week to be indoctrinated into GNU/LINUX.

His ISP (judging from his e-mail)  is AOL.

I seem to remember that they are Linux-unfriendly.

Anyone know anything about this ?



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