[Malvern] Linux On Mini-ITX

Chris Eilbeck chris at hyperspace.org.uk
Tue Jun 20 16:00:19 BST 2006

Shinobi <Shinobi at z3r0.co.uk> wrote :

> Has anyone had much experience with running Linux on a
> mini-ITX board and more importantly running it off a compact
> flash card. I have a crazy idea of running Linux as a
> computer system aboard a weather balloon, it's been done
> before but I want to try it out for myself.

I did it for the telemetry system on QinetiQ-1 using a Linitx box with a whole load of sensor interfaces hung off it and a radio modem.  We used Debian Woody in the end.  It wasn't all that much work, just left /tmp and /var writable after doing an install and update.


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