[Malvern] Fonts

Andy Morris zaglabod at btinternet.com
Sat Mar 25 13:30:04 GMT 2006

Does anyone have the Adobe fonts "CourierStd" (type 1) and "ArialMT" 
(truetype) as ".ttf" files on their system? They used to come with 
Acrobat Reader, but now are simulated, and only supplied with the Full 
Acrobat package.

I'm trying to get a barcode into a cover layout, and the on-line barcode 
generator uses these fonts, but in order to be acceptable, both fonts 
have to be embedded in the resulting PDF, not simulated, and I don't 
have the font files. The names are specific within the font files and 
may not be reflected in the filename, you have to click on the file 
within the fonts directory and view the actual fontname in a font reader.

If you can help, please le me know ASAP.



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