FW: [Malvern] Thin Client Linux

Stuart Parkington mrsparks_maillists at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 27 23:12:56 GMT 2006

Hi Ian,
> - can desktop Ubuntu be upgraded to use such server items as LAMP without
> much hacking around
Yeah that should be pretty easy. You should be able to apt-get or 
Synaptic Apache (with PHP, mySQL, Perl, GD and other modules), PHP (with 
what ever additional modules you want) and mySQL and have it all work 
out of the box. I'd be tempted to use Synaptic and pick which modules 
you want rather then trying to apt-get loads of them, but I'm just lazy!

> - can the Gnome desktop be successfully removed without affecting the rest
> of the installation
Mmmmm don't know that to be honest, though i suspect you probably could. 
That said,  I'd have thought that it would probably be best to modify a 
run-level so it doesn't start X and GDM, effectively giving you text 
mode. You can then leave the desktop there for admin if you required it 
by either manually starting X or by switching run levels (you could have 
multiple entries in your bootloader).

> - will Ubuntu desktop run as a headless system if previous question can't be
> done
Should see no reason why not. Can't see how it would make a difference 
either way to be honest.


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