[Malvern] April Meets

Stuart "Sslaxx" Moore stuart at sslaxx.demon.co.uk
Sun Apr 22 20:16:34 BST 2007

Ian Pascoe wrote:
> Hi All
> Hands up all those who have a memory like mine!  A sieve comes to mind
> amoungst other things.
> This month's GMH was a nice little afair, with Barbie and Alan from the Brum
> PN dropping by to see the Malvern "rent-a-mob".  For those of you who have
> never met Alan before, you certainly missed on a great story teller .... and
> the range of subjects as well!
> Quite unusually it was quite a techy evening, well in my ear shot anyway it
> was, and a lot of discussion went on around Dean's "work in progress"
> simulation program - I admit that I never knew that there were so many
> different types of random number generators out there depending on what type
> of random number you wanted.
> Phil also managed to reserve the rear lounge for the groups first tech meet
> in about 6 years.  This is going to be mainly a visit by the Brum PM world
> tour gang and a how to session on GIMP from our own erstwhile Mr Ironside.
> Geoff's this week was it's normal culinary delight.  In addition to the
> normal beverages, pizzas and drinks, we had the pleasure of some of Linda's
> non religious hot uncrossed buns - to coin a phrase they went down like hot
> cakes!
> James was also brave enough to having introduced himself to the list on
> Wednesday, to come and join the merry throng at Geoff's.  Well done, and
> plenty of brownie points.  Hope to see you again.
> For those who couldn't make it, be rest assured it was more like a normal
> Malvern LUG meeting with plenty of topics covered and many views expressed
> and with a gentle nudge from me at one point, we did even manage to get
> around to talk about Linux consoles!
> Phil has also been cultivating the local secondary schools for a little
> project of his which no doubt he'll launch in a blaze of Yo's! and Pixies in
> the near future.
> Things must also be going well for Geoff at the moment too as this is the
> second LUG in a row that we haven't invaded his upstairs den.
> I know that I have glossed over a lot of things that went on at both meets,
> but if you want to find out what is actually going on, then, come on down!

Ian, how's Otis faring? Did he go to the vets on Friday?

Stuart "Sslaxx" Moore

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