[Malvern] Re: [Gloucs] Bandwidth limitation.

Graham Nye glug at thenyes.org.uk
Sun Dec 2 15:52:05 GMT 2007

Geoff Bagley wrote:
> My daughter has moved to the Emerald Isle, and now has a "broad-band"  
> internet connection.
> However,  there is a bandwidth limitation which means that she is 
> precluded from doing work
> writing web-sites.  That would cost an extra tariff  of  50 euros per 
> month.
> Is there any way to have a proxy over here (say)  where the rates are 
> more favourable,  and only do
> the changes via  her local  ISP ? 
> One problem is that although she is very savvy on IT,  she is stuck 
> with  M$  Window$.    (That being what her clients want).
> Any suggestions other than moving back to the UK ?

She could rent a server somewhere and transfer files from that
to her clients' servers. She would still have to get files to
her server somehow.

I would hope that she earns enough from her business activities
that she can afford to pay for a business connection.

Googling for ireland broadband comparison brings up some sites
where she can look for a better deal. Finfacts suggests there
are a number of operators who can offer unlimited volume
connections for under 50 euro/month.

I suggest you look for some local comment as well, on Irish
web forums or newsgroups.

Graham Nye
glug at thenyes.org.uk

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