[Malvern] Perl - World Tour & YAPC::Europe

Phil Ironside phil at creativespaces.co.uk
Mon Feb 19 12:38:33 GMT 2007

Here are the dates so far for the Perl Mongers World Tour 2007

Tue 20 Mar - Gloucester LUG (ML offices)
Thu 19 Apr - Birmingham LUG (Brum Uni)

We can have a chat about when we would like to have a visit from them at Geoffs

Here is part of the message circulated by Barbie about YAPC::Europe

-For those planning travelling to Vienna in August for YAPC::Europe [1],
-please be aware of the medical conference [2] that begins on Saturday
-1st September and is expected to draw 30,000 attendees. As such getting
-a hotel room may prove rather difficult, particularly if you were
-planning to stay for the weekend after the conference.

There are still some reserve places in the recommended hotels but they are going fast.

Phil Ironside

Creative Spaces

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