[Malvern] Monday 29th October
Richard Forster
rick at forster.uklinux.net
Sun Oct 28 22:14:06 GMT 2007
Please note: This email was written in replay to Chris's and was due to
be sent just as Phil's ALLEGED 2nd email arrived. His first, the one
Chris replied to, is still lost in my part of the ip-space:ntp-time
While we are working out a definition of a November meeting[1] that
complies with traditional calendaring techniques may I also propose the
roasting and eating of curried chickens, lambs and naans[2]. Firstly,
we've not done it for a while. But mostly because I've only gone and
found myself another job and will be leaving you all for pastures (I
once k)new.
I've known for a while and let on to a couple of you ages ago but now
that the paperwork has arrived and I've given my notice it can be
discussed more freely.
So, while you are all re-enacting the smell of men in hats (as I'm sure
that's one interpretation of Phil's email), please ponder available dates.
I may see some of you tomorrow on November the -2th.
[1] I thought, "Ah, clever, move it one week so Ian can bring Otis".
[2] Don't know what they look alive, I've only ever seen them squished flat.
Chris Eilbeck wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 28, 2007 at 07:16:15PM +0000, Phil Ironside wrote:
>> Yo
>> Monday 29th October is the next meeting of the LUG so bring all your
>> matches and we are going to try to re-enact something that escapes me at
>> the moment - the smell of gunpowder, barrels and men in hats - oh yes the
>> annual salp peter farting competition, the hats are there only to be blown
>> off by your oponent.
>> I will be there as close to 6.00 as I can.
> Huh? The website says the 5th Nov. I can do tomorrow though if you like.
> Chris
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