[Malvern] HTML and other Web stuff

Guy Inchbald guy at steelpillow.com
Sun May 4 15:04:41 BST 2008


Indeed it can - its handling of .htm and .asp are precisely why I 
recommend it.

A quick google suggests you check out:



On Sun, 4 May 2008 09:25:58, Ian Pascoe <ianpascoe at btinternet.com> 
>Hi Guy
>Thanks for that - yep, it's Windows 2000 and IE 6 that's customized!
>I'll have a play with Front Page and see what hapwns, but I am fairly sure
>that unless it can produce .htm or .asp files I'm snookered.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Guy Inchbald [mailto:guy at steelpillow.com]
>Sent: 03 May 2008 18:58
>To: ianpascoe at btinternet.com
>Cc: Malvern at mailman.lug.org.uk
>Subject: Re: [Malvern] HTML and other Web stuff
>Sounds like a Windows 2000 environment? If it isn't, look away now.
>Probably your first port of call should be MS Front Page. It offers both
>WYSIWYG and text modes and is well integrated with the MS way of doing
>things. I'm not sure how handy it is with SQL though, and the downside
>is that it tends to reinforce the proprietary hook-in.
>Adobe Dreamweaver is the 'de facto' professional standard tool
>(previously sold by Macromedia). More powerful than FrontPage and less
>tied into the MS contract with the devil, but not quite so easy to throw
>yourself into, and your boss might whinge at the price if you already
>have a FrontPage license on a server somewhere (which you probably do).
>If you use a less sophisticated tool (and there are many), you will have
>a deal of learning to do on topics such as CSS, javascript/ECMAscript
>and HTML vs. XHTML, never mind ASP. FrontPage and Dreamweaver have a
>good supply of click-and-pray type wizards and such so you can hide from
>most of it for quite a long time. Your code will be vile, but then so is
>the software stack so why care.
>Also, what web browser/s do they all use? IE6 is notoriously
>idiosyncratic and non-compliant with web standards, while IE7 may not
>have arrived yet? Hope they don't expect you to support Netscape (like I
>had to until last year when we all got Firefox hooray)! Most text based
>"web editors" focus on standards compliance and are useless in an
>IE6-plus-web-apps environment because so much non-standard code needs to
>be chucked in, at least until you become expert at the differences
>between the w3c standard in front of you and the horrors that your
>particular version of IE6 expects - especially in the realm of debugging
>CSS styling and javascript client-side processing. FrontPage and
>Dreamweaver are reasonably aware of most such bugs and will work around
>them for you as you point-and-click away.
>Don't know how familiar you are with the SQL language or MS SQL Server,
>but MS of course have their own useful extensions to the SQL standards,
>which you may want to use/avoid according to taste.
>Sorry I don't know any good learning resource, but the tutorials that
>come with the software are probably a good place to start developing
>your working practices and deciding which areas you need to dirty your
>hands with.
>On Sat, 3 May 2008 16:17:15, Ian Pascoe <ianpascoe at btinternet.com>
>>Guys n Gals
>>I've attempted to avoid doing anything with the web for a considerable time
>>now and feel duely pleased at this achievement!  However, this ignorance
>>now come around and bitten me well and truely.
>>I need to start learning about constructing web pages with links into SQL
>>servers behind the page.
>>Can anyone recommend any good on line teaching resources to give me the
>>This is for work, and like any multi national company they won't pay for
>>external training!
>>If it helps, the pages will be hosted on an MS Web server running ASP -
>>note, none of the servers run .NET.
>>Also, any good Windblows HTML editors people can recommend so I can start
>>looking at how real live web sites coding happens and works?
>>PS  Is the GMH this Tuesday or next?
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>>Malvern at mailman.lug.org.uk
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>Malvern at mailman.lug.org.uk


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