[Malvern] USB and PS2.

Graham Smith grhm.smith at gmail.com
Wed Sep 10 16:01:25 UTC 2008

2008/9/8 Geoff Bagley <geoff.bagley at btinternet.com>:
> Some of my more recent keyboards and mice have USB connectors,  though
> some of my older desktop machines have PS2 connectors for keyboard and
> mouse.  This is easily overcome by means of a USB to PS2 adaptor (in
> each case).
> Do the reverse versions of such adaptors exist, so the a PS2 peripheral
> can be used with laptops only having USB sockets ?

We have apdaters here in the office to go both ways.

We've a lab with a number of new PC's that only have USB ports ->
USB-PS2 converters -> a number of PS2 KVM switches -> PS2-USB
converters -> USB keyboards and mice.

Seems complicated but was cheaper than replacing the KVM's and allows
the use of the modern optical, USB only mice that come with our new

I can ask where they were bought if you need a pointer.  Just let me know.


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