[Malvern] FWD: This Wednesday - An Introduction to Druidry

Chris Eilbeck chris at hyperspace.org.uk
Mon Nov 16 18:58:12 UTC 2009

I thought this might interest a few of you!

----- Forwarded message from Ced <cedjackson at phonecoop.coop> -----

Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 10:16:32 -0000
From: Ced <cedjackson at phonecoop.coop>
To: malvernhillsfreecycle_cafe at yahoogroups.com
Subject: [malvernhillsfreecycle_cafe] This Wednesday  -  An Introduction to Druidry
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This Wednesday evening, at the Friends Meeting House, 1 Orchard Road Great
Malvern, (just south of the Theatre) Malvern Dowsers is hosting Lorraine
Munn, who will provide us with an introduction to Druidry.

Druids were the priestly class of pre-Christian Britain, but what does a
modern day druid do?  Lorraine will explore this intriguing topic, and will
also focus on a druid's approach to dowsing.  Druidry has been described as
Earth Based Spirituality, and there are close links with the land, and the
cycle of the year.

I recently heard Lorraine speak, and very good she is too.  Kick off at
7.30pm.  Biscuits, tea, coffee and jaffa cakes from 7.00pm.  Admittance is
£5.  All welcome.

Ced Jackson
3 Ebrington Road
West Malvern
Worcs WR14 4NL
01684 560265
Ced at FengShuiFutures.com

----- End forwarded message -----

Chris Eilbeck
MARS Flight Crew                              http://www.mars.org.uk/
UKRA #1108 Level 2                                                UYB
Tripoli UK Member #9527                                          LSMR

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