[Malvern] Ping and edgey

Keith Edmunds kae at midnighthax.com
Wed Sep 9 18:06:15 UTC 2009

On Wed, 9 Sep 2009 09:03:49 +0000, willchaundy at hotmail.com said:

> I have been unable to load a few websites, and after pinging these sites
> nothing have come up

"has" come up.

Are you pinging them by name or IP address? If the former, is it resolving
to an address? Be aware that there is no requirement for a website to
answer pings, so the fact that you can't ping certain sites isn't

If the name is resolving to an IP address, can you telnet to port 80 of
the sites in question?

The answers to the above will help us find and resolve this problem. If
you don't know how to find out the answers, say so here.


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