[Malvern] PDF files.

Chris Eilbeck chris at hyperspace.org.uk
Sat Jul 7 18:49:36 UTC 2012

GEOFF BAGLEY <geoff.bagley at btinternet.com> wrote :

> Most of the output of my current activities is either in .PS  or .PDF form.
> My two word processors are Abiword and Libre Office Writer, neither of which
> can accept PDF.  Worse still,  most Micro$oft Window$ people are
> not able to open my .PDF files - they have a newer, version which is not
> backwards compatible.
> My son David has a prog that will translate from .PDF to .DOC , 
> but it is of the commercial non-free variety.
> What do you guys recommend ?

I'd rewrite whatever is producing the .ps or .pdf and get it to generate .svg instead.


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