[Malvern] Linux Software Defined Radios

Andy Dixon ajdixon0283 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 15 06:49:18 UTC 2016


If I remember from a past life there may be a couple of guys who are into Radio – I’ve got myself an SDR card (https://greatscottgadgets.com/hackrf/, but just the board) but I’m having problems with it – I am using gqrx (gnu radio looks amazing but doesn’t scratch my short-term-get-it-working itch), but my aerial (An ANT500 - https://greatscottgadgets.com/ant500/) looks to be broken. I can’t pick anything up with it, however I am pretty sure the card works because if I tune it into ~433mhz and mess with my car key, I can see the radio pick up. This works both with and without the aerial. Using a multimeter it also failed a continuity test

Since I know very little about Radio, I was wondering if someone would be able to give me some advice on where I could get a decent aerial from – Something as wide ranged as possible (I can pick up between just under 1mhz to 6ghz. One mistake I made was to try and use a wifi aerial. Even though it fitted, the connection was wrong – I need an aerial with a pin in its connector.



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