[Menai-LUG] Auto startup task

David Goadby dg at pixel-plus.co.uk
Mon May 19 23:24:01 2003

I have just put together a system that is going to be left unattended and
(hopefully) only accessed remotely. Everything works but I still start the
system by logging in and running the task via a sript called
capture_init.sh. Now, I need to start this task at system startup time a bit
like autoexec.bat in a DOS (mouth washed out with soap) system.

My SuSE system uses the usual sequence of init.d scripts which I never
tinker with. Now, where is the best place to place my startup? The task
really starts and runs for ever there are no special stop commands other
than using kill on it. I suppose I could catch signals if that helps it
conform with the init scripts options.

I really don't want a lot of hassles just a plain simple run of
capture_init.sh. Any ideas?


David Goadby