[Menai-LUG] Mandrake 9.2 installation problem
tj.trevelyan at gmail.com
Wed Feb 23 10:01:10 GMT 2005
Try booting with acpi=off
eg is the install disk is using syslinux boot loader, push
the f# keys to sys what options there are and how it
input them.
if recall correctly type:
linux acpi=off
to boot the installer with this kernel option.
if its installed:
for grub boot loader edit the boot command and add
acpi=off on the end
(edit /boot/grub/menu.lst to keep it for next boot)
for lilo you can't change boot option on the fly
you'll need to edit /etc/lilo.conf, find the append line
and add acpi=off, then run lilo to rebuild the boot sector.
Sorry if all those options scare, but i dont know which boot
loader you using to boot linux, and its the boot loader that
passes kernel options to the kernel (acpi=off is a kernel option)
Ofcourse in the end acpi=off may not solve your problem,
its just a possibility that it will provide enough of a workaround
for your computer to boot.
(once installed update your kernel asap, acpi=off is not a long
term solution)
On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 09:36:58 +0000, Llywelyn Owen
<menailug at spamtracker.co.uk> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm having difficulty instaling Mandrake 9.2 from a cover disc (DVD). Mandrake 8.1 proved no problem, but 9.2 hangs with a "lost interrupt" notification when viewing kernal messages during the initial setup. This happens just after loading ide drivers I think. I can't even get as far as the graphical setup screen.
> The computer is an Asrock P4S61 (everything o/b) with celeron 2.4, 512Mb and LG4040 DVD burner. It's also on a home network.
> Any ideas?
> --
> Best regards,
> Llywelyn mailto:menailug at spamtracker.co.uk
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