[Northwales] Re: [Menai-LUG] Fedora Core 4 & Debian Sarge

Andrew Hutchings info at a-wing.co.uk
Mon Jun 13 21:04:18 BST 2005

Richard Lewis wrote:
> Andrew Hutchings <info at a-wing.co.uk> writes:
>>For some bizarre reason there is no Sarge AMD64 release yet, can any
>>debian guru shed light on this?
> amd64 is not officially part of Debian sarge, but the amd64 team did
> an independent release [and will maintain it to the same standard as
> Debain stable], here's the announcement
> <http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2005/06/msg00005.html>
> looks like the CD images have not been uploaded yet

Brilliant, thanks for that.
I have had a few requests for it and couldn't find it anywhere (I'm not 
a really debian user).


Andrew Hutchings (A-Wing)
Linux Guru - Netserve Consultants Ltd. - http://www.domaincity.co.uk/
Admin - North Wales Linux User Group - http://www.nwlug.org.uk/
BOFH excuse 133: It's not plugged in.

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